Miracle Blog

The Importance of SDFC's Friends Program

Infertility is a medical condition that impacts every aspect of a person’s life. This challenging condition affects one’s self-esteem and influences one’s relationships with others. Therefore, emotional support during fertility treatment is extremely important. In order to address these concerns, San Diego Fertility Center created a peer-support program called “Friends”, in which fellow veterans of infertility share practical advice and provide an insider's perspective of various fertility treatments, and their subsequent resolution. This support program is valuable for our patients because “Friends” offer empathy, support and encouragement that helps patients to make the best decisions for their family. Our referral network consists of former and current patients who have undergone one or more treatments including IVF, IUI, egg donation, surrogacy laparoscopy and hysteroscopy, and more.

We are always recruiting new volunteers who want to become “Friends” to our patients. The contact between the individuals is completely anonymous and is frequently conducted via phone or email. If you are interested in finding a “Friend” or becoming a “Friend”, please contact our program coordinator Shannon Kokjohn at [email protected].