
Egg Donor Cycle Fees

Our Success Guarantee also is available to you if you are using an egg donor. As with the standard IVF plan, we want to partner with you in achieving our shared goal of pregnancy success. Because we believe in our outstanding clinical expertise and pregnancy success statistics, we offer a shared risk, or Success Guarantee, financial plan.

Our Success Guarantee plan is based on the principle of mutual commitment. If you do not achieve a live birth after completing a Success Guarantee cycle, you will be reimbursed up to 100 percent of the cycle fee.

If you do not achieve pregnancy through the initial IVF cycle, the Success Guarantee plan fee includes the transfer of all frozen embryos generated from the initial IVF cycle.

As an additional benefit of the Success Guarantee plan, we have established a medication subsidy. If your first cycle is unsuccessful, SDFC will supply the FSH medications for your second IVF cycle for free.

In order to qualify for the Success Guarantee plan, couples will need to meet the following criteria:

  • The embryo recipient must be physically and mentally healthy enough to undertake a pregnancy.
  • Using the same combination of ovum, sperm, and uterus, the intended parents must have failed in fewer than three IVF cycles in their history.
  • The embryo recipient must have a normal uterus as assessed by a transvaginal ultrasound and a normal hysterosalpingogram, sonohysterogram, or hysteroscopy performed in the preceding 12 months. In previous fertility treatment therapies, the embryo recipient must not have demonstrated a poor endometrial response, as demonstrated by a peak endometrial thickness of <8mm and/or an endometrial echo pattern that is not trilaminar to estrogenic stimulation in the proliferative phase of the menstrual cycle.
  • All indicated infectious disease screening labs on both male and female partners must be performed and be within normal ranges.
  • The egg provider must have a day 3 FSH <9.0mIU/ml, estradiol <65 pg/ml, and antral follicle count of 10 or more.
  • The man must be capable of producing sperm in his ejaculate, or be willing to go through a procedure to obtain sperm or use a sperm donor. Alternatively, if there is absolutely no sperm in the ejaculate (azospermia), the male partner must have normal testicular sperm production as evidenced by a normal FSH (<12 mIU/ml) and a normal testosterone level. If the sperm concentration in the ejaculate is <10 million/cc, the sperm motility is less than 30 percent, or the Kruger Strict Criteria morphology is less than 10 percent, the male partner or sperm donor must undergo sperm chromatin structure assay (SCSA) and the resulting DNA fragmentation index must be less than 30 percent.
  • The couple, in consultation with the physicians and embryologist, will determine the number of embryos/blastocysts placed per transfer. A minimum of two embryos will be placed. In general, we adhere to the established guidelines published by the American Society of Reproductive Medicine. The couple must agree to have all embryos transferred, either fresh or thawed, before the cycle is considered complete per the plan.
  • In all previous IVF cycles, using the same ovum and sperm source together, there must have been >five embryos created.
  • Treatment cycles involving pre-implantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) are excluded from this plan.

1A live birth is defined as a child born who lives more than 72 hours post-delivery.
