Miracle Blog Categories Newsletter

PGD and Sex Selection

Using PGD simply to choose the baby’s gender is still controversial these days. In some centers, sex selection is only considered for couples with a high risk to pass along sex-linked disorders such as hemophilia. However, when fertility patients a…

Our Fertility Experts About Prenatal Vitamins

Drs. Hummel and Kettel advise patients to start taking prenatal vitamins before undergoing fertility treatment. In fact, it might be of benefit to start months before starting an IVF procedure. Since there are many good prenatal vitamins available…

How Many Fertility Treatment Cycles are “Enough”?

When undergoing fertility treatment such as intrauterine insemination (IUI) or In-Vitro Fertilization (IVF), it is important to view each treatment cycle as an independent event. This means that if the first cycle fails, the next cycle has an equal…

Over-the-Counter FSH Tests

There are a number of FSH self-test kits available on the market. These are offered to women who experience infertility or are approaching menopause. These tests are not appropriate for a woman of reproductive age trying to conceive, who wishes to…

PGD Reduces Risk of Recurring Miscarriages

As reported in the Fertility & Sterility August issue (Vol.84, No.2), a recent study shows that the rate of miscarriages in women over 35 with previous pregnancy loss may be significantly reduced by using preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD).…

IVF & Uterine Fibroids

About 40 % of all women in their reproductive lives are affected by uterine fibroids. There are three main types of fibroids, defined by their location. Intramural fibroids are embedded in the uterine wall, subserosal fibroids growing outside the…