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Education and resources from our trusted team of fertility experts.

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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Infertility

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Infertility

Most people are aware that increasing maternal age leads to a decline in fertility. In fact, this decline occurs fairly acutely after age 37 and continues to decline up through the menopause. In almost any arena in which age is evaluated, advancing age

Future Family: How to Finance Fertility Treatment

Future Family: How to Finance Fertility Treatment

When it comes to fertility treatment, one of the main concerns that many patients have is how they will afford the costs of fertility care. As part of our commitment to our patients, San Diego Fertility Center offers a wide range of flexible financing options to

Get to Know San Diego Fertility Center: Egg Donor and IVF Brochure

Get to Know San Diego Fertility Center: Egg Donor and IVF Brochure

San Diego Fertility Center has created comprehensive, customized fertility treatment plans for couples from all over the world for over ten years. We work with couples and individuals to build families through IVF, egg donation, gestational surrogacy, and many other

Guidelines for Cold Medication During Fertility Treatment

Guidelines for Cold Medication During Fertility Treatment

During the cooler winter months, Dr. Kettel and Dr. Hummel get repeated questions about how cold medications can interfere with fertility treatment. There are a few guidelines that patients need to be aware of when undergoing fertility care. If taking a flu shot

How To Predict The Number Of Eggs In An IVF Cycle

How To Predict The Number Of Eggs In An IVF Cycle

Unlike men, women do not create new eggs and are born with a limited supply called "ovarian reserve." As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases and eventually becomes empty, resulting in menopause. To predict the number of eggs in an IVF

How to Support a Loved One Coping with Infertility

How to Support a Loved One Coping with Infertility

Those struggling with an infertility diagnosis or undergoing fertility treatment deserve support all year round, and the holiday season is certainly no exception. For many, the holidays are a time for family, friends, parties and gifts – a chance to catch up and check in

Improving Fertility with Chiropractic Care

Improving Fertility with Chiropractic Care

Recent studies have suggested a link between a woman's infertility and nerve interference caused by spinal distortions. These studies found that chiropractic work showed positive results in improving fertility, regardless of the woman's diagnosis or history of infertility. Chiropractors corrected spinal

IVF Children are Smarter

IVF Children are Smarter

Researchers at the Free University in Brussels conducted a study and found that children who were conceived through IVF treatment with ICSI (intracytoplasmic sperm injection) tend to have a higher average IQ compared to children conceived naturally. This finding contradicts

IVF Programs for the Armed Forces

IVF Programs for the Armed Forces

In early 2009, the San Diego Fertility Center (SDFC) was selected to provide off-site embryology laboratory services to the San Diego Naval Medical Center’s Infertility Program. Because San Diego is home to many military personnel, we

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