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Black Market Fertility Drugs

Black Market Fertility Drugs

Patients of Drs. Hummel and Kettel asked a lot of questions about fertility drugs on the "Black Market". Often times with IVF, the couple desperately trying to have a child faces the harsh reality that their insurance barely covers any fertility treatment

Does Soy Cause Infertility?

Does Soy Cause Infertility?

Yes, soy can cause infertility problems. But you need to eat a lot of it. Soy and tofu products are known to make good headlines: It is beneficial for women with menopausal symptoms and for cancer prevention. Soy is also known as excellent

Dr. Daneshmand and Dr. Park Spoke at Men Having Babies

Dr. Daneshmand and Dr. Park Spoke at Men Having Babies

In January, Drs. Daneshmand and Park of the San Diego Fertility Center spoke at the Men Having Babies conference in San Francisco, CA. Both physicians were honored to speak with conference attendees about LGBT family building services like egg donation and gest

Dr. Susanna Park Presents at Men Having Babies NYC

Dr. Susanna Park Presents at Men Having Babies NYC

Dr. Susanna Park recently spoke at the New York City Men Having Babies conference where she discussed third party reproduction options for same-sex male couples looking to build their families. During the conference, Dr. Park provided information about San Diego Fertility Center and

Dr. William Hummel of San Diego Fertility Center Selected as “Top Doctor” by SDCMS

Dr. William Hummel of San Diego Fertility Center Selected as “Top Doctor” by SDCMS

Dr. William Hummel of San Diego Fertility Center has been selected as a "Top Doctor" by the San Diego County Medical Society and San Diego Magazine. This prestigious honor has been bestowed upon Dr. Hummel four times in the past six years

Excess Folic Acid During Fertility Treatment May Increase Chances of Twins

Excess Folic Acid During Fertility Treatment May Increase Chances of Twins

A new British study suggests that increasing folic acid intake during fertility treatment may increase the chances of having twins from IVF. Folic acid, a B vitamin known for protecting against birth defects, has been recommended as a supplement during pregnancy since 199

Fertility Retreats

Fertility Retreats

More and more patients are taking advantage of acupuncture during infertility treatment and acupuncturists serve the increasing demand for infertility related services. New on the list of services are fertility enhancing retreats, which outline a program for 1 or more days.

Fertility Treatment & Insurance

Fertility Treatment & Insurance

Insurance benefits can vary when it comes to fertility treatment. It is important to contact your insurance company to get specific information about your coverage before beginning treatment. This should be a joint effort between you, your chosen fertility clinic, and your insurance company to understand

Fight the Depression of Infertility

Fight the Depression of Infertility

More than half a dozen studies support the link between stress and infertility. One of them conducted by University of California, San Diego in 2001 found that women with severe depression were 93% less likely to get pregnant with infertility treatment than those with

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