Top 10 Reasons to Choose San Diego Fertility Center
San Diego Fertility Center is recognized as one of the top fertility clinics in the world. Learn the top 10 reasons why SDFC is the best choice for your fertility journey.

Viagra May Be the Solution for Some Infertile Women
Viagra, commonly used to improve blood flow in men, may offer benefits to women undergoing IVF by increasing uterine lining thickness. Learn about this promising study and its potential for fertility treatment.

Webinar: COVID-19 Updates and Fertility
San Diego Fertility Center provides a COVID-19 and fertility webinar to address patient concerns and offer updates on treatment plans. Watch the webinar and learn more.

The Impact of Weight on Egg Donation Success Rates
Does weight affect fertility when using donor eggs? A study shows no significant correlation between BMI and the success of embryo implantation and pregnancy using donor eggs.

What is the Difference Between a Day 3 and Day 5 Embryo Transfer?
Learn the key differences between Day 3 and Day 5 embryo transfers, including how embryos develop and when each transfer method may be recommended.

What to Do with Unused Frozen Embryos
With over 400,000 frozen embryos stored in U.S. fertility clinics, many couples face decisions about what to do with unused embryos. Learn more about the options available and RESOLVE’s efforts to educate the public.