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Dr. Susanna Park Presents at Men Having Babies NYC

Dr. Susanna Park Presents at Men Having Babies NYC

Dr. Susanna Park recently spoke at the New York City Men Having Babies conference where she discussed third party reproduction options for same-sex male couples looking to build their families. During the conference, Dr. Park provided information about San Diego Fertility Center and

San Diego Fertility Center Attends Men Having Babies NYC

San Diego Fertility Center Attends Men Having Babies NYC

San Diego Fertility Center recently attended Men Having Babies in New York City as a Platinum Sponsor. Our team, including Drs. Susanna Park and Said Daneshmand, Financial Director Debbie Goode, and Senior Consultant Richard Westoby, had the

San Diego Fertility Center to Attend the Men Having Babies Conference in San Francisco

San Diego Fertility Center to Attend the Men Having Babies Conference in San Francisco

Next month, Dr. Susanna Park and Dr. Said Daneshmand of San Diego Fertility Center will attend, speak and offer free consultations during the fourth annual Men Having Babies conference in San Francisco. Men Having Babies is an organization which holds sur

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