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Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Infertility

Follicle Stimulating Hormone (FSH) and Infertility

Most people are aware that increasing maternal age leads to a decline in fertility. In fact, this decline occurs fairly acutely after age 37 and continues to decline up through the menopause. In almost any arena in which age is evaluated, advancing age

New Fertility Drug With Many Advantages

New Fertility Drug With Many Advantages

Fertility treatment has seen continuous improvement through research and collaboration with pharmaceutical companies. One such advancement is the introduction of Menopur®, a new fertility drug developed by Ferring Pharmaceuticals. Menopur® is specifically used in In-Vitro Fertil

Over-the-Counter FSH Tests

Over-the-Counter FSH Tests

There are a number of FSH self-test kits available on the market. These are offered to women who experience infertility or are approaching menopause. These tests are not appropriate for a woman of reproductive age trying to conceive, who wishes to accurately determine fertility

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