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Education and resources from our trusted team of fertility experts.

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Fertility Retreats

Fertility Retreats

More and more patients are taking advantage of acupuncture during infertility treatment and acupuncturists serve the increasing demand for infertility related services. New on the list of services are fertility enhancing retreats, which outline a program for 1 or more days.

Fertility Treatment & Insurance

Fertility Treatment & Insurance

Insurance benefits can vary when it comes to fertility treatment. It is important to contact your insurance company to get specific information about your coverage before beginning treatment. This should be a joint effort between you, your chosen fertility clinic, and your insurance company to understand

How to Support a Loved One Coping with Infertility

How to Support a Loved One Coping with Infertility

Those struggling with an infertility diagnosis or undergoing fertility treatment deserve support all year round, and the holiday season is certainly no exception. For many, the holidays are a time for family, friends, parties and gifts – a chance to catch up and check in

You’re ready for your next chapter. We’re here to help turn the page. 

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