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Excess Folic Acid During Fertility Treatment May Increase Chances of Twins

Excess Folic Acid During Fertility Treatment May Increase Chances of Twins

A new British study suggests that increasing folic acid intake during fertility treatment may increase the chances of having twins from IVF. Folic acid, a B vitamin known for protecting against birth defects, has been recommended as a supplement during pregnancy since 199

Fertility Treatment & Insurance

Fertility Treatment & Insurance

Insurance benefits can vary when it comes to fertility treatment. It is important to contact your insurance company to get specific information about your coverage before beginning treatment. This should be a joint effort between you, your chosen fertility clinic, and your insurance company to understand

How To Predict The Number Of Eggs In An IVF Cycle

How To Predict The Number Of Eggs In An IVF Cycle

Unlike men, women do not create new eggs and are born with a limited supply called "ovarian reserve." As women age, their ovarian reserve decreases and eventually becomes empty, resulting in menopause. To predict the number of eggs in an IVF

When to Move On & When to Stop Fertility Treatments

When to Move On & When to Stop Fertility Treatments

When it comes to moving on to the next fertility treatment option, each treatment cycle should be viewed as an independent event. This means that if the first cycle fails, the next cycle has an equal chance of working. This cycle independence holds true for each

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