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Does Soy Cause Infertility?

January 1, 2005

Yes, soy can cause infertility problems. But you need to eat a lot of it.

Soy and tofu products are known to make good headlines: It is beneficial for women with menopausal symptoms and for cancer prevention. Soy is also known as excellent source of protein during pregnancy, especially for vegetarian women. However, women trying to conceive should eat soy products in moderation because of their plant-derived estrogen known as isoflavones. If over-consumed, isoflavones have different effects on a woman’s body.

Studies have shown that high levels of soy protein may increase menstrual cycle length and decrease FSH and leutinizing hormone levels. But no need to panic! Eating tofu will not make you infertile. Most people do not consume 60g of soy protein daily for over a month, which would generate this effect, according to research. Like with any food, eating in moderation and implementing a healthy food variety in your diet will ensure that you get all the important nutrients for your body without any adverse effects.

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