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San Diego Fertility Center is Open

April 28, 2020

Due to the most recent guidelines from the American Society for Reproductive Medicine (ASRM), SDFC has made the decision to begin reinitiating fertility treatment in order to best support our patients in their time sensitive fertility journeys. The timeline for each patient will vary depending on each personalized treatment plan. Please notify your medical assistant or cycle coordinator with the onset of menses, so we can help manage your future treatment cycle.

Our physicians remain available via email, phone or video call for patient care and consultation. Our team is continuing to check all email and voice messages to provide support to our patients.

Please contact us at: frontoffice@sdfertility.com to schedule a time to consult with your physician. Our phone lines will be open during normal business hours: 858.794.6363 .

San Diego Fertility Center has implemented the following protocols to protect the health and safety of our patients and fellow team members.

  1. Screening all patients for exposure and risk factors for COVID-19. If a patient fails screening, they will not be granted admission to our center.
  2. Requiring facial coverings for all patients and staff in our center.
  3. Limiting those who can accompany patients, rotating smaller groups of staff, and spacing out appointment times to maximize physical distance according to CDC guidance.
  4. Disinfecting ultrasound rooms and common areas between appointments.
  5. Minimizing and streamlining in-office visits. Physician and nurse consultations and follow-ups will continue to be primarily done via telemedicine.

We appreciate your patience during this challenging time, as we balance public health and safety concerns, while striving to support our patients’ needs. We are here for you!

COVID-19 Common Questions

Common Questions:

  • Should I postpone my current cycle?

We recommend scheduling a consultation with your physician to discuss your specific treatment plan and timeline.

  • What happens if I start a cycle and I am required to cancel due to COVID-19?

Although we hope that this doesn’t occur, this is a risk in the current climate. If you develop signs or symptoms of COVID-19, or are exposed to COVID-19, your cycle will be cancelled. There may be a circumstance that you have taken medications and incurred those associated medication costs. Unfortunately, cancelled cycles will require more medications to be purchased to restart a cycle.

  • What are the symptoms of COVID-19 exposure?

COVID-19 is a respiratory illness that can be spread from person to person. Symptoms include fever, chills, cough and shortness of breath. This is an ever-evolving situation that is being actively monitored by health agencies around the world.

  • Can COVID-19 affect my sperm, eggs, or embryos?

There is no scientific evidence of transmission of this virus (or any other viral respiratory infection) to eggs, sperm or embryos.

  • Can COVID-19 be transmitted to the fetus in pregnancy?

As this is an evolving area of medicine, we have limited data. Available data at this time does not suggest intrauterine transmission of infection. However, there are ongoing studies on this topic. The majority of studies, thus far, have been case studies focused on the late third trimester and peripartum time frame. At this point, there is no clear evidence of COVID-19 intrauterine or transplacental transmission from pregnant women infected with COVID-19 to their fetuses. This is consistent with the data we have from SARS, MERS epidemic and our understanding of other common respiratory infections, which are not associated with vertical transmission of infection from mother to the fetus in utero.

  • Should I travel?

For questions regarding individual treatment and travel planning, we recommend scheduling an appointment with your physician. It is recommended that international patients follow the travel restrictions of their countries.

Because of how air circulates and is filtered on airplanes, most viruses and other germs do not spread easily on airplanes. Although the risk of infection on an airplane is low, travelers should try to avoid contact with sick passengers and wash their hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds or use hand sanitizer that contain a minimum of 60% alcohol.

Cleaning your immediate environment in the plane with a wipe prior to using items such as the tray or remote is recommended. The way this virus, much like many viruses, is spread is via respiratory droplets from someone who is coughing and other close contacts. For this reason, governments around the world are encouraging facial coverings to decrease viral transmission.

You’re ready for your next chapter. We’re here to help turn the page. 

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