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Guidelines for Cold Medication During Fertility Treatment

January 15, 2003

During the cooler winter months, Dr. Kettel and Dr. Hummel get repeated questions about how cold medications can interfere with fertility treatment. There are a few guidelines that patients need to be aware of when undergoing fertility care. If taking a flu shot, Drs. Hummel and Kettel advise a waiting period of 30 days before starting any treatment at the Center. The Center for Disease Control (CDC) gives additional advice in regards to flu shots under the following hotline: 1-800-311-3435. Antibiotics can be taken up to the day of starting fertility treatment .

If women get ill while undergoing treatment, Drs. Hummel and Kettel recommend only specific of over-the-counter cold remedies for symptom relief. Take Robitussin for a cough or bronchitis, Sudafed (regular) in case of a cold and Tylenol Extra Strength for your aches and pains.

Strong medication prescription drugs such as antibiotics and Acutane should not be taken during treatment cycles. The Center strongly recommends to patients to inform their primary care physician about fertility treatments and ask about possible drug interferences.

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