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IVF & Uterine Fibroids

IVF & Uterine Fibroids

About 40% of all women in their reproductive lives are affected by uterine fibroids. There are three main types of fibroids: intramural, subserosal, and submucosal. Research suggests that subserosal or

Low Carb Diet May Improve Reproductive Health in Women with PCOS

Low Carb Diet May Improve Reproductive Health in Women with PCOS

Study findings published in Fertility & Sterility (March 2006) showed that dietary management during PCOS treatment might improve fertility problems and help with reproductive health in women. Dr. Chystal Douglas at the University of Alabama at Birmingham put women with

Magic Number 35 | Age and fertility

Magic Number 35 | Age and fertility

It has become common knowledge that a woman's fertility decreases at the age of 35. However, it is not just women who have decreasing fertility. If both partners are 35 years old, the couple has a 82% chance of getting pregnant

New Clues to How Endometriosis Affects Fertility

New Clues to How Endometriosis Affects Fertility

A report from a recent study suggests that endometriosis may cause changes in the body that reduce the effectiveness of structures that help the egg meet up with the sperm.

New Fertility Drug With Many Advantages

New Fertility Drug With Many Advantages

Fertility treatment has seen continuous improvement through research and collaboration with pharmaceutical companies. One such advancement is the introduction of Menopur®, a new fertility drug developed by Ferring Pharmaceuticals. Menopur® is specifically used in In-Vitro Fertil

Our Fertility Experts About Prenatal Vitamins

Our Fertility Experts About Prenatal Vitamins

Drs. Hummel and Kettel recommend that patients start taking prenatal vitamins before undergoing fertility treatment. They suggest starting months in advance, even before beginning an IVF procedure. While there are prescription options available, they believe that over-the-counter prenatal vitamins

Ovarian Cancer Not Linked to Infertility Drugs

Ovarian Cancer Not Linked to Infertility Drugs

Last month's issue of Obstetrics & Gynecology included a review of a recent study that examined the relationship between assisted reproductive technology (ART) and ovarian cancer. The study determined that there is no heightened risk of ovarian cancer in infertility patients who have

Over-the-Counter FSH Tests

Over-the-Counter FSH Tests

There are a number of FSH self-test kits available on the market. These are offered to women who experience infertility or are approaching menopause. These tests are not appropriate for a woman of reproductive age trying to conceive, who wishes to accurately determine fertility

Miracle Blog

Miracle Blog

After oocytes are retrieved during In-Vitro Fertilization, there are two main insemination techniques. One is standard insemination, where the sperm and eggs are cultured together in a dish, and the sperm must penetrate the egg on their own

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